Subscription Information
For over two decades at Lehman Brothers, Robert Willens provided invaluable guidance on groundbreaking accounting and taxation issues, as well as high profile transactions. He's worked intimately with the world’s most astute investors and largest corporations, assisting them in navigating the thicket of tax and accounting conventions that frequently influence the “situations” in which they invest. Now you too have the opportunity to profit from Robert’s legendary advice. There are investment gains to be garnered from having the best possible intelligence regarding the most inscrutable part of a transaction, its tax and accounting pitfalls. A subscription to Robert’s site will provide you with access to “real time” tax and accounting analysis of deals and new accounting and taxation pronouncements. Access to this information provides extraordinary insight into the complex tax and accounting considerations that hedge funds, arbitrageurs and corporate tax directors encounter in the course of plying their trade. For those of you who know Robert, you are already aware of what an acclaimed and prolific writer he is. If you are new to Robert’s site, please keep in mind that he publishes in excess of over 150 articles yearly. As the world becomes smaller and the deals become larger, we expect this output to only increase. Join now for access to this singular information.
Platinum Subscription
Allows access to The Willens Report, Robert’s real-time, online newsletter, as well as all bulletins and our new premier product, The Willens Deal Survey. This exclusive monthly report details the tax consequences of recent deals in the marketplace in a streamlined, easy to read format. Platinum Service also provides Robert’s exceptional, personal consultations and private conference calls, which include updates & discussions on all the latest tax & market issues. The annual subscription fee for Platinum Service is $75,000.
Gold Subscription
Allows access to The Willens Report, Robert’s real-time, online newsletter, as well as all bulletins and our new premier product, The Willens Deal Survey. This exclusive monthly report details the tax consequences of recent deals in the marketplace in a streamlined, easy to read format. The annual subscription fee for Gold Service is $40,000.
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